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Six Sigma

Originated in Motorola in the 1980’s, and a natural progression from the 7 basic quality tools and TQM, Six Sigma a set of problem solving tools organized within the framework of DMAIC.  We have over 35 years combined experience in Six Sigma, and have trained more than 1000 Black Belts and worked numerous projects.  Our skills include statistical tools such as Measurement System Analysis, Capability Analysis, Hypothesis Testing and Design of Experiments, as well as human oriented tools like Brainstorming, Process Mapping and Stakeholder Analysis.  We use Mintab as the statistical software of choice.

Lean Tools 

Originating in Henry Ford’s waste elimination efforts and further expressed in the Toyota Production System, the Lean toolset strives to eliminate waste and reduce the Ideation to Remittance cycle time.  Having applied them in a variety of settings,we are proficient in these tools, and have conducted Kaizen events to quickly realize the improvements.  From Value Stream Mapping to Kan Ban systems, we have abundant experience an applications experience.     

Lean Sigma

The toolsets combined into a single toolbox, organized within the framework of DMAIC.  It has been suggested that one toolset is better or more productive than the other, but this is like arguing whether or not a stapler is superior to scissors.  The correct tool for the job must be identified, and we strive to insure practitioners understand not only the application of the tools, but when to use them and how to interpret the results.


OEE, or Overall Equipment Effectiveness. is a comprehensive measurement system that evaluates the realized capacity of a resource, and identifies opportunities for improvement.  As a percentage measure that typically ranges from 30%-95%, it expresses the percent of planned work time that the resources was actually producing quality product at normal operational speed.  Correctly applying OEE and providing the diagnostic and project direction to address the shortcomings allows a business to realize the true potential of their resources.

Process Modeling and Simulation

We begin basic process mapping and fundamental Monte Carlo analysis, and advancing into advance process modeling and 3D simulation. Using these tools, we can help a business simulate their actual process, identify bottlenecks and opportunities, and experiment with various solutions in a virtual environment without disrupting the actual process.  This allows a business to tune their proposals and solutions to maximize the ROI for any planned investment of time, energy and money.
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