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Tier 1 Automotive Assembly Work Cell


Although it seems obvious, the single thing that unites all industries, from injection molding to petroleum refining to emergency room operations, is that they all have processes.  Processes that are often not fully understood, especially as it relates to defects and constraints. Process Improvement, then requires a comprehensive understanding of the interrelated natures of all resources, processes and individuals as they deliver value within the system.


Errors exist in every industry.  Error are simply the result of not completing the task correctly. Often they are small and insignificant, frequently they cause significant delay or cost increase, occasionally they can be catastrophic.  Errors are the result of variation in the inputs into that process, or within the process itself.  In order to prevent errors, we must understand the nature of the variation that causes them.

Cycle Time

In the past, branding, cost, service and quality were the primary differentiators.  However, the global economy and subsequent supply chains (and inventory levels), as well as heightened customer expectation, has driven a demand for shortened cycle time.  Ultimately, we are trying to reduce the cycle time from the customer request to the remittance of funds.  We must understand the constraints in the process that create delays that result in excessive cycle time.

Discrete Manufacturing

The traditional realm of Lean and Six Sigma.  We have extensive experience with Tier 1 and lower automotive suppliers, medical device manufacturers, various plastic manufacturing businesses and even food processing and manufacture.  Our client list is extensive, and includes Dacoma, Brentwood Industries, West Pharmaceutical, Tyson Foods and Roche Diagnostics, to name a few.
Wide range of industries, similar problems Experience